Shia khabeeths think they can deceive people by doing Taqiyyah and hide their beliefs!
The raafidah and Taqiyyah
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful The Bestower of Mercy
Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr (rahimahullah) said: It (Taqiyya) is to be careful of making known to others what is in the heart with regards one’s creed or other than it. [End of quote: Fat-hul baaree 12/314]
The raafidah consider this Taqiyya to be of lofty virtue and high station in their religion. Kulayni (a figurehead of theirs) said in Usool Al-kaafee (the main book containing their heretical and polytheistic beliefs) that nine- tenths of (their) religion is based on Taqiyya and one cannot be (ascribed to the raafidah religion) if he has no Taqiyya. [Usool Al-kaafee 2/217]
Beware of the deceitful political partisans
Some of the deceitful political partisans-those who have been blinded by corrupt political ambitions and love of leadership-seek to confuse the general masses or the least they try to dilute and destroy the correct stances obligated on a Muslim to employ against the heretical raafidah. So some of these deceitful political partisans say that Taqiyya is not something specific to the raafidah, rather it is something established in the religion of Islaam. However, these satanic forces of deceit amongst the deceitful political partisans do not give the full details regarding the differences between the satanic Taqiyya employed by the heretical raafidah and the Taqiyyah permitted in the pure Islamic legislation. They do not make known the fact that the legislated permissible Taqiyya is a concession and not a conviction in one’s faith, as Mu-aadh Ibn Jabal (radiyallaahu anhu) said: “Taqiyya was (employed by the believers at the time when) Islaam was new and before the Muslims gained authority; but as for today, Allaah has strengthened Islaam and the (believers) do not fear their enemies.” [For further details see Tafseer Al-Qurtubi 4/57]
Therefore, this Taqiyya (i.e. being careful of stating one’s true belief and fear of manifesting it to an aggressive opponent due to fear of being murdered or afflicted with great harm) is employed whilst dealing with the oppressive tyrannical disbelievers and not with the believers. Imaam Tabari (rahimahullah) said: “The Taqiyya mentioned in this Ayah [i.e. soorah Aali Imraan: Ayah: 28] is a Taqiyya (employed with) those disbelievers (who are tyrants) and not other than them. [Tafseer At-Tabari 3/153].
Taqiyyah is not permissible except out of fear of being killed, lacerated or (afflicted) with great harm. So whoever is forced to utter disbelief, then what is correct is that he remains firm and does not respond by uttering a statement of disbelief; but it is permissible to do so (as a concession whilst his heart is firm upon Imaan and not in agreement with what he has uttered due to being forced). [For further details see Tafseer Al-Qurtubi 4/57]
As for the Taqiyya employed by the raafidah heretics, then all of it is the opposite of what the pure Islamic legislation permitted; rather they hide their disbelief from the common Muslims-especially in those Muslim lands in which the Muslims are well aware of their polytheistic practices and wicked beliefs-whilst showing that they are in agreement. That is because if they manifest the filthy, wicked and vile beliefs they hold about the Sahaabah etc, every sane Muslim will boycott them. However, some of the deceitful political partisans come along and utter half-truths in order to deceive the Muslims and achieve their corrupt political ambitions
