THE MOST REDUNDANT COME BACK - "Why are you using Twitter and Facebook, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not use it, this is bid'ah!"
Facebook and twitter are inventions and not innovations. Also, Facebook and Twitter are NOT acts of worship; rather they are powerful tools to further and facilitate dawah. Every single muslim should use them to the best of their capacity to spread the word of Allah.
NEXT COME BACK (VERY SHOCKING) - Coke and Pepsi are bid'ah. The Prophet Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam didn't have them; SubhanAllah! Since when did food become bidah?! Food is not an act of worship!
The funniest comeback! I had one guy telling me we shouldn't use a toilet seat because it's bid'ah!
AND LASTLY, THE WORST COMEBACK WE ARE FACED WITH WHEN ABANDONING ACTS OF BID'AH - "We want to do 'extra deeds'; what is wrong with that?"
It is Astaghfirullah equivalent to saying that Prophet Muhammad didnt complete this religion. How shameful and illogical!
The deen of Allah is complete with no space for additions or deletions! There are innumeral halal proven acts of worships which you can perform, why resort to bi'dah?
May Allah keep us on the righteous path and give us the strength to challenge our life long blind added rituals to faith and follow what is correct. May we practice Islam as it was revealed and preached by Prophet Muhammad (PEACE AND BLESSINGS BE UPON HIM) in its entirety without adding or deleting anything.
Ameen ya rabbul alameen
