Assalamualaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuhu
We are presenting 50 statements from the pious predecessors
which prove the title and distinguishing and attributive name of Ahlul Hadeeth that it is absolutely correct and there is consensus upon it.
(1) Imaam Bukhaari (d.256H)
Imaam Bukhaari said concerning the victorious group, “ie they are
the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(Masalah al-Ihtijaaj Baa ash- Shaafi’ee Lil-Khateeb (pg.47), The chain is authentic, al-Hujjah Fee Bayaan al-Muhajjah (1/246)
Imaam Bukhaari has mentioned from Yahyaa ibn Sa’eed al-
Qattaan concerning a narrator, “He was not from the people of hadeeth.”
(Ahlul Hadeeth) At-Taarekh al-Kabeer (6/429), adh-Dhua’faa as-Sagheer
no.281)Image may contain: text
(2) Imaam Muslim (d.261H)
Imaam Muslim said concerning disparaged narrators, “They are accused (ie disparaged remarks pertaining to hadeeth.) according to the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(Saheeh Muslim, al-Muqaddimah (pg.6) before the first chapter,
another edition (1/5)
Imaam Muslim further said, “We have explained the Madhab of Ahlul Hadeeth and its people.”
(Saheeh Muslim, al-Muqaddimah (pg.6) before the first chapter, another edition (1/5)
Imaam Muslim said concerning, Ayoob as-Sakhtiyaanee, Ibn A’un,
Maalik ibn Anas, Shu’bah bin al-Hajjaaj, Yahyaa ibn Sa’eed al- Qattaan, Abdur-Rahman ibn Mahdee and those who came after them as, “They are the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(Saheeh Muslim, al-Muqaddimah (pg.22) Chapter the correct deduction of al-MAanAan, another edition (1/26), another edition (1/23)
(3) Imaam Shaafi’ee (d.204H)
Imaam Muhammad bin Idrees as-Shaafi’ee said concerning a weak
narration, “Something similar is not established according to the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(As-Sunan al-Kubraa of Baihaqee (1/260), the chain is authentic)
Imaam Shaafi'ee also said, “Whenever I see a man from the Ashaabul (People/companions) of Hadeeth then it is as if I have seen the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) alive.”
(Sharf Ashaabul Hadeeth of Khateeb (no.85) the chain is authentic.)
(4) Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d.241H)
Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal was asked concerning the victorious
group, he replied, “If the victorious group are not the Ashaabul Hadeeth then I do not know who is.”
(Ma’arifah Uloom al-Hadeeth of Haakim (pg.2 no.3) the chain is good and Ibn Hajr authenticated it in Fath ul-Baari (13/293) under hadeeth (no.7311)
(5) Imaam Yahyaa ibn Sa’eed al-Qattaan (d.198H)
Imaam Yahyaa ibn Sa’eed al-Qattaan said concerning Suliemaan bin Tarkhaan at-Taymee, “Taymee according to us is from amongst the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(Musnad Alee bin Ja’ad (1/594) hadeeth no. 1354 and the chain is authentic, another edition (no. 1314), al-Jarh Wat-Ta’deel of Ibn Abee Haatim (4/125) and the chain is authentic)
Concerning another narrator of hadeeth, Imraan bin Qudaamah
al-Ummee, Yahyaa al-Qattaan said, “But he was not from the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(al-Jarh Wat-Ta’deel (6/303) the chain is authentic.)
(6) Imaam Tirmidhee (d.279H)
Imaam Tirmidhee said about a narrator by the name of Abu Zaid, “and the man Abu Zaid is unknown according to Ahlul Hadeeth” (Sunan Tirmidhee (no.88)
(7) Imaam Abu Dawood (d.275H)
Imaam Abu Dawood as-Sijastaanee said, “According to the normal
Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(Risaalah Abee Dawood Ilaa Makkah Fee Wasaf as-Sunnah (pg.30), manuscript form (pg.1)
(8) Imaam Nasaa’ee (d.303H)
Imaam Nasaa’ee said, “and there is benefit for the people of Islaam
and from amongst them are, the Ahlul Hadeeth the ones with knowledge, fiqh and Quraan.”
(Sunan Nasaa’ee (7/135 no 4147), at-Ta’aleeqaat as-Salafiyyah (no.4152)
(9) Imaam Ibn Khuzaimah (d.311H)
Imaam Muhammad ibn Ishaaq bin Khuzaimah al- Neesaabooree
said concerning a hadeeth, “We have not seen any differences amongst the Ahlul Hadeeth and this report is authentic in terms of being narrated.”
(Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah (1/21 no.31)
(10) Imaam Ibn Hibbaan (d.354H)
Haafidh Muhammad bin Hibbaan al-Bustee established the following chapter heading for a hadeeth, “In mentioning the hadeeth by which
some of the Mu’attilah (those who deny Allaahs attributes) censure the Ahlul Hadeeth because they are deprived from divine guidance in relation to its correct meaning.”
(Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan, al-Ehsaan (no.566), another edition (no.565)
At another instance Haafidh Ibn Hibbaan mentioned the following attribute of the Ahlul Hadeeth, “They act upon the Sunnah, defend
it and annihilate it opponents.”
(Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan, al-Ehsaan (no.6129), another edition (no.6162) also refer to (1/140 before hadeeth no (61)
(11) Imaam Abu Awaanah (d.316H)
Imaam Abu Awanaah Isfarainee concerning an issue says to Imaam Muzanee, “There is difference of opinion amongst the Ahlul Hadeeth (the people of Hadeeth)”
(Musnad Abee Awaanah 1/49)
(12) Imaam Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Saaleh al-Ejlee(d.261H)
Imaam Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Saaleh al-Ejlee said concerning
Imaam Sufyaan Ibn Uyainah “So some of the Ahlul Hadeeth say he is the most established (ie trustworthy) from amongst the people about the Hadeeth of
(Ma’rifatuth-Thiqaat 1/417 no.631 and no.577 in another edition)
(13) Imaam Abu Abdullah al-Haakim an-
Neesabooree (d.405H)
Imaam Abu Abdullah al-Haakim an-Neesabooree said concerning
Imaam Yahya Ibn Maeen, “The Imaam of Ahlul Hadeeth.” (al-Mustadrak 1/198 no.710)
(14) Imaam AbuAhmad Haakim al-Kabeer(d.378H)
He wrote a book called the Shi’aar Ahlul Hadeeth (Signs of Ahlul
(15) Imaam Muhammad bin Yoosuf al-Faryaabee(d.212H)
He said, “we saw Sufyaan ath-Thawree in koofah and we were a group of Ahlul Hadeeth”
(al-Jarh wat-Tadeel 1/60, the chain is authentic)
(16) Imaam Ja’afar bin Muhammad al-Faryaabee(d.301H)
He said concerning Ibraheem bin Moosaa al-Wasdoolee, “and his
son is from the Ahlul Hadeeth and he his name is Ishaaq”
(al-Kaamil of Ibn Adiyy 1/271, another edition 1/440, and it’s chain is authentic)
(17) Imaam Abu Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H)
Imaam Abu Haatim ar-Raazee a famous Imaam of Asmaa ur-Rijaal said, “and anything the Ahlul Hadeeth agree on constitutes evidence”
(Kitaab al-Maraaseel pg.192, no.703)
(18) Imaam Abu Ubaid al-Qaasim bin Salaam(d.224H)
He said concerning a report, “so some of the Ahlul Hadeeth take from this”
(Kitaab at-Tahoor pg.173 of Abee Ubaid, al-Awsth of Ibn al-Mundhir 1/265)
(19) Imaam Abu Bakr bin Abee Dawood (d.316H)
The son the great Imaam and author of Sunan Abee Dawood
who is truthful according the great majority said, “and do not be from those who toy with their religion for you may become from those who curse and criticise the Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Kitaab ash-Shareeah (pg.975) of Imaam Muhammad bin al-Hussain al-Aajurree, and it’s chain is authentic)
(20) Imaam Ahmad bin Amr bin Dhihaak binMukhlad Ibn Abee Aasim (d.287H)
Imaam Ibn Abee Aasim said about a narrator, “he is a man from
the Ahlul Hadeeth and he is trustworthy”
(al-Ahaad Wal-Mathaanee 1/428
(21) Haafidh Abu Hafs Umar Ibn Shaheen (d.385H)
He has mentioned the statement of Imaam Yahyaa al-Qattaan concerning Imraan al-U’ama, “he was however not from the Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Taarekh Asmaa ath-Thiqaat no.1084)
(22) Abu Ishaaq Ibraheem bin Yaqoob al-Juzjaanee(d.259H)
He said, “and then this well known amongst the Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Ahwaal ar-Rijaal pg.43 no.10 also refer to pg.214)
(23) Imaam Ahmad bin Sinaan al-Wasitee (d.259H)
He said, “there are no people of innovation in this world except that they have enmity for the Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Ma’arifah Uloom al-Hadeeth of Haakim pg.4 no.6 and the chain is authentic)
So we find whoever has enmity for the people of Hadeeth or he speaks bad about the Ahlul Hadeeth then he is an innovator.
(24) ImaamAleebinAbdullahal-Madeenee (d.234H)
The teacher of Imaam Bukhaari, whilst explaining a narration
said, “so he is Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Sunan Tirmidhee no.2229, A’aridahtul-Ahwazee 9/74)
(25) Imaam Qutaibah Ibn Saeed (d.240H)
he said, “when I see someone loving the Ahlul Hadeeth then he is upon the Sunnah”
(Sharf Ashaabul Hadeeth no.143 and it’s chain is authentic)
(26) Imaam Qutaibah ad-Deenawari (d.276H)
The scholar of Hadeeth the truthful, Imaam Qutaibah ad-Deenawari (d.276h) authored a book, “Ta’weel Mukhtaliful-Hadeeth Fee Radd A’daa Ahlul Hadeeth” and in it he has severely refuted the enemies
of Ahlul Hadeeth.
(27) Imaam Ahmad bin al-Hussain al-Baihaqi(d.458H)
He wrote that Maalik bin Anas, Awzaa’ee, Sufyaan ath-Thawree,
Sufyaan Ibn Uyainah, Hamaad Ibn Zayd, Hamaad Ibn Salamah, Shaafiee, Ahmad, Ishaaq Ibn Rahawaihah were all from the Ahlul Hadeeth.
(Kitaab al-Eitiqaad wa Bidaayah Ilaa Sabeel ur-Rishaad pg.180 of Baihaqi)
(28) Imaam Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ibraheem al-Isma’eelee (d.371H)
He said concerning a narrator, “he was not from the Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Kitaab al-Mu’ajam 1/469 no.121)
(29) Imaam Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d.463H)
He authored a book on the virtue of the Ahlul Hadeeth called ‘Sharf Ashaabul Hadeeth’ and there is another book titled ‘Naseehah Ahlul Hadeeth’
(refer to Taareekh Baghdaad 1/224 no.51)
(30) Imaam Abu Na’eem Asbahaanee (d.430H)
He said concerning a narrator “his troublemaking is not hidden from
the scholars of Ahlul Hadeeth”
(al-Mustakharj Ala Saheeh Muslim 1/67 no.89)
He further said, “and Shaafiee has leaned towards the madhab of Ahlul Hadeeth”
(Hilyatul Auliyaa 9/112)
(31) Haafidh Muhammad bin Ibraheem bin al-Mundhir an-Neesabooree (d.318H)
He said concerning his companions and Imaam ash-Shaafiee that they were Ahlul Hadeeth.
(al-Awsth 2/307, no.915)
(32) Imaam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin al-Hussainal-A’ajurree (d.360H)
He said, “this is advice to my brothers from the people of the Quraan and the Ahlul Hadeeth, the people of fiqh and other than them from amongst the Muslims”
(ash-Sharee’ah pg.3 and pg.7 another edition)
(33) Haafidh Yoosuf bin Abdullah bin MuhammadIbn Abdul Barr (d.463H)
He said, “a group from amongst the Ahlul Hadeeth said....”
(at-Tamheed 1/16)
(34) Haafidh Ibn Taymiyyah al-Harranee (d.728H)
He said in answering a question, “all praise be to Allah, so Bukhaari
and Abu Dawood were the Imams of fiqh and ijtihaad and as for Imaams Muslim, Tirmidhee, Nasaa’ee, Ibn Maajah, Ibn Khuzaimah, Abu Ya’ala and Bazzaar all of them were upon the Madhab of Ahlul Hadeeth and none of them were muqallids of any particular Imaam nor were they mujtahid mutlaqs”
(Majmoo’a Fataawa 20/40)
(35) Shaikh Ibn Rasheed al-Fehree (d.721h)
He said concerning the major scholars eg Imaam Ayoob as-
Sakhtiyaanee, “they were from the Ahlul Hadeeth”
(as-Sunan al-Abayn pg.119 and pg.124)
(36) Haafidh Ibn al-Qayyim (d.751H)
He said in his famous Qasedah Nooniyyah “Oh you who have hatred and abuse the Ahlul Hadeeth, glad tidings to you for your friendship with Shaytaan.”
(al-Kaafiyya ash-Shaafiyyah Fee Intisaar al-Firqatun-Naajiyyah pg.99)
(37) Haafidh Ismaa’eel Ibn Katheer ad-Dimashqi(d.774H)
He said in his explanation to verse no 71 of Soorah Banee Israaeel
(17) “And remember the Day when We shall calltogether all human
beings with their (respective) imaams “Some of the Salaf have said this is the greatest virtue of the Ashaabul-Hadeeth (ie the people of Hadeeth) that their Imaam will be Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam)”
(Tafseer Ibn Katheer 4/164)
(38) Imaam Ibn al-Munaadee al-Baghdaadee(d.336H)
He said concerning Qaasim bin Zakariyyah Yahyaaal-Matraz, “He
is from the Ahlul Hadeeth and he is truthful”
(Taareekh Baghdaad 12/441
no6910 and its chain is sound)
(39) Imaam Shairawiyyah bin Shehrdaar ad-Dailaamee (d.509H)
The famous historian of Dailam he said concerning Abdur Rahmaan bin Ahmad bin Abduth-Thaqafee al-Hamdaanee in his book of history, “The general people of Ahlul Hadeeth from our land have narrated from him and he was trustworthy and strong and firm”
(Siyaar A’laam an-Nabula 14/438)
(40) Imaam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Alee binAbdullah bin Muhammad as-Sooree (d.441H)
He was the Famous Imaam of Baghdaad he said, “Say to those
who hate the Hadeeth and its People and speak ill of them what are you saying to knowledge, if it is from ignorance then being ignorant is from the stupid one's Do you speak ill of those who saved the religion from baseless and futile things.”
(Tadhkirratul-Huffadh 3/1117 no.1002 sound chain, (Siyaar A’laam an-Nabula 14/438), al-Muntadham 15/324 of Ibn al-Jawzee)
(41) Imaam Suyootee (d.911H)
He said in explanation of the verse. “And remember) the Day
when We shall call together all human beings with their(respective)
Imam (Sooralal-Israa 17:71) “There is no better virtue for the Ahlul Hadeeth than that because there is no other Imaam for the Ahlul Hadeeth other than the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam)”
(Tadreeb ur-Raawee 2/126)
(42) Imaam Ismaaeel bin Muhammad bin Fadhalal-Asbaahanee (d.535H)
He said, “Mention the Ahlul Hadeeth as they are the group upon the truth until the hour is established.”
(al-Hujjah Fee Bayaan al-Muhajjah Wa Sharh Aqeedah Ahlus Sunnah 1/246)
(43)QaadheeHasan bin AbdurRahmaan bin Khalaad
Raamehrmuzee (d.360H)
He said, “Allaah has given virtue to the Hadeeth and his blessing to the Ahlul-Hadeeth.”
(al-Muhaddith al-Faasil Bayna ar-Raawee wal-Wa’awee pg.159 no.1)
(44) Hafs bin Ghiyath (d.194H)
He was asked concerning the people of Hadeeth i.e the Ashaabul Hadeeth he replied, “They are the best (ie good) from the people of this world”
(Ma’arifah Uloom al-Hadeeth pg.3 no.3 of Imaam Haakim and its chain is authentic)
(45) Abul Fath Nasr bin Ibraaheem al-Maqdisee(d.490H)
He said, “Chapter: The virtue of Ahlul Hadeeth”
(al-Hujjah A’la Tareeq al-Muhajjah 1/325)
(46) Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Muflih al-Maqdisee (d.763H)
He said, “The Ahlul Hadeeth are the saved group who are established upon the truth”
(al-Adaab ash-Sharee’ah 1/211)
(47) Muhammad bin Ismaa’eel al-Ameer al-Yamaanee (d.840H),
He said, “upon you (ie to stick) to the virtuous of Ashaabul-Hadeeth
(people of Hadeeth) you will find with them all guidance and virtues.”
(ar-Raudh al-Baasim Fe Dhab Ann Sunnah Abil-Qaasim 1/146)
(48) Haafidh Ibn as-Salaah d.806H)
After mentioning the conditions for an authentic hadeeth he said,
“This is the hadeeth which is graded to be authentic without any differing amongst the Ahlul Hadeeth.”
(Uloom al-Hadeeth well known as Muqaddimah Ibn as-Salaah with Sharh of al-A’raqee pg.20)
(49) Abu Ismaa’eel Abdur Rahmaan bin Ismaa’eel as-Saboonee (d.449H)
He wrote a book titled, ‘Aqeedatus-Salaf Wa Ashaabul Hadeeth’ in it
he says, “The Ahlul Hadeeth have the Aqeedah, they testify Allaah The Glorious is above the seven heavens upon his Throne.”
(Aqeedatus-Salaf Ashaabul-
Hadeeth pg.14)
(50) Abu Mansoor Abdul Qaahir bin Taahir binMuhammad al-Baghdaadee (d.429H)
He said concerning the people of Shaam, “All of them are upon the
Madhab of Ahlul Hadeeth from Ahlus-Sunnah”
(Usool ud deen pg.317).
So from these 50 statements we have proved the attributive name of the Muslims is Ahlul Hadeeth as it was for the Muhaajireen, the Ansaar and Ahlus-Sunnah and there is Ijmaa on this permissibility on the usage of this title. Not a single Imaam said it is incorrect to use
the term of Ahlul Hadeeth, nor said it is impermissible or said it is an
innovation however some Khawaarij and those who sympathise with them hate the title of Ahlul Hadeeth, they say it is an innovation and say it is a sectarian name and make fun of it and by doing so they oppose the ijmaa (consensus) of all of the scholars of hadeeth and the Muslims.
