>> 1 . The following question was posed to Shaykh Saalih b. Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan – may Allah preserve and protect him (“Sahab Salafi Network” 2012): I intend to write about some deviated groups and warn against them. However, these groups have not left the fold of Islam, and some scholars have praised them, and I fear that [such scholars] might call against me. What is your advice and guidance for me, knowing that this group is deviated?

The Shaykh replied:

Your duty (waajib) is to clarify the truth; your duty is to clarify the truth. If you are sure about their errors and their deviation, you are one hundred percent sure, and you have the ability and the knowledge to explain, then it is a duty upon you to do this.

And when Allah took the covenant from those who were given the scripture that you must explain it to people and not hide it…

(Translation of the meaning of Al-‘Imran: 187)

Verily those who hide the clear guidance that We have revealed…

(Translation of the meaning of Al-Baqarah: 159, 174)

It is not allowed to hide knowledge. If you know and are sure about the deviation of some groups or sects, then clarify them and explain them for the people, so that they may be on guard against them. This is part of naseehah (sincere concern for others; advice).

The Messenger – Allah’s praise and peace be upon him – said:

The religion is naseehah (sincerity).

We asked: “to whom?”

He replied,

“To Allah, and to His Book, and to His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their masses.

(Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth #55)

[In doing so,] do not fear the people. You must fear Allah – the exalted and perfect – and explain the truth and refute falsehood, and not fear people, yes.

Reference: Sahab Salafi Network online forum, September 06, 2012, Al-Allaamah Al-Fawzaan: whoever has the ability, and knows and is sure about the deviation of some group is obliged to explain it (Arabic), http://www.sahab.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=122971 – Translated by Abu Abdillaah Owais Al-Hashimi [Source]

2 . Shaykh Ahmad An-Najmee (rahimahullah): The reality is that the people differ and that is no doubt. However, in most cases the affair is that every individual who conceals (an evil) secret (of being upon misguidance), then it is a must that Allah exposes it, (either) upon the glimpses of his face and/or the slips of his tongue. As for the one who displays to the people that he is upon the Sunnah and Salafiyyah while at the same time he is a person of innovation, it is a must that Allah exposes him no matter how long he remains hidden (amongst the people of Salafiyyah). It is a must that there comes from him something which indicates and directs to that which is with him of innovation. The refuge is with Allah. Therefore, when something appears from him of innovation it is a must that he is warned from. As for the case when nothing appears from him then there is no might or power except with Allah.

Source: “al-Fataawaa al-Jaliyyah an al-Manaahij ad-Da’wiyyah” V.1 pg.43 Question # 34 Daarul-Minhaaj Second Edition, Translated by: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

3 . Clarification the statement of Shaykh Rabee bin Hadee (Fataawa Ash-Shaykh Rabee’ 1/246):

…Al-Jarh Wa At-Tadeel will remain until the day of judgement. The people want to benefit from this particular scholar and you inform them that this person is a noble scholar and upon the Sunnah so you praise him, and this scholar is Raafidee, this one is a Soofee who believes in Wahdatul Wujood (This is referring to the false belief that all in existence is a single reality and that everything we see is only aspects of the essence of Allah), this one is a secularist, this one is a communist who conceals his reality with Islam. This one is this and this one is that. It is obligatory upon you to clarify this; this is an obligation. This is a form of Jihaad and it will not cease and it is not specific to narrators.
Also the Salaf wrote [books] refuting the people of innovation as we have stated and they did not declare Al-Jarh Wa At-Ta’deel to be specific to the narrators alone. He is an innovator and is not from the people of hadeeth, [he is] Mu’tazilee, [he is] Jahmee, [he is] Murjee and so and so forth. He has no connection to any narrations but he is an innovator therefore they criticized him (Al-Jarh). So how can these people claim that the door of Al-Jarh is closed?

In another place the Shaykh said (Fataawa Ash-Shaykh Rabee’ 1/249):

The methodology of Al-Jarh Wa At-Ta’deel will not cease until the day of judgement as long as innovations are present….
