Refuting The Reality of Celebrating Eid Milad Un Nabi

وقال االله تعالى: قل بفضل االله وبرحمته فبذالك فليفرحوا هوخيرم ّما يجمعون )سوره يونس 10:58
(Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: ‘‘Say, In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy (i.e. Islam and the Qur’an); - therein let them rejoice. That is better than what (the wealth) they amass ’’ (Surah 10:58)
In this verse of the Qur’an, Allah has mentioned the success of this world is not a means of rejoicing, the true reason for rejoicing is the attaining of two things: the Bounty of Allah and His Mercy.
As narrated by Anas, Bara Ibn A’zib and Abu Saeed Khudri : The Prophet Allahs Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said: The Bounty of Allah means the Qur’an, and Mercy is that Allah gave you the guidance to read and act upon the Qur’an.’ (Roohul Ma’ani)It is the statement of the majority of the Mufasireen, that:
‘The Bounty of Allah means the Qur’an, Mercy is Islam.’The leader of the Muffasireen, Abdullah ibn Abbas , for whom the Prophet Allahs Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) prayed: ‘O Allah! Grant him the understanding of Deen and knowledge of the Qur’an.’
(Musnad Ahmed, vol 1, p328)
In a narration of Abdullah Ibn Abbas he states: ‘The Bounty of Allah means the Holy Qur’an, and Mercy is The Prophet ’. Nonetheless, whether Mercy is guidance upon the Qur’an or Islam, these two cannot be attained without following the way shown by the Prophet .
This refers to following the teachings shown by the Prophet in all walks of life and to be happy in doing so. There is no narration of any strength to refer to this verse being revealed on the 12thRabi Ul Awal, as is being claimed by the Ahlul Biddah (those without poof/evidence innovate the rulings of Shariah though their own interventions and ideologies), to substantiate a celebration of the birth of the Prophet , if this was the case,then the Companions would be the first to act upon it.
Where there is no evidence to support their claim, the Ahle Bid'ah claim it to be ‘a good innovation’, similar to Taraweeh or the compilation of the Qur’an. This would be completely wrong to say as the Companions of the Prophet always stipulated orders in accordance to the teaching of the HolyProphet .
The Prophet Allahs Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) stated himself: ‘Follow my way and the way of the rightly guided Companions after me.’(Mishkaat Masabih p30)This narration is an established statement in support for us to adopt the practices of the Companions .
This does not grant acceptance to all innovations formulated by so called ‘Pirs’ ‘Allamah’ of Ahle Bidat, the Prophet did not grant glad tidings upon this. ‘Milad Un Nabi’ The Celebration Upon The Birth of The Prophet research upon the life and occurrences in the life of the Holy Prophet is very necessary. It is only after this investigation and understanding one can follow the way and manners shown by the Prophet in his own life.
Until the time that one has a clear understanding of the life of the Prophet , it is not possible for him to act in accordance to the Sunnah. Therefore, it is deemed a mercy and blessing of Allah to be able to read and listen to the biography of the Prophet .No photo description available.
It is by adopting the Prophet ’s habits and actions that we will attain salvation in the hereafter. It is sad that in this age, under the shadow of the life of the Prophet Allahs Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) , there are other practices that have been introduced to the religion. Instead of being a means of attaining reward, these lead one to sin and innovation (Bid’ah).
One such innovation is to specifically stipulate the 12th of Rabi Ul Awal as the date of birth of the Prophet . This is not proven from Shari’ah and is following the ways of previous nations who grant great importance to their birth dates.
The tyranny and disrespect is that the very act which the Prophet Allahs Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) disliked for his nation (following the ways of the previous nations), people practice in the very name of the Prophet . Further, they give it the name of ‘Eid Milad Un Nabi.’
Even though the entire Ummah is aware that after the Hijrah of the Prophet , there were only two Eids in the lifetime of the Prophet Allahs Messenger (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) and his Companions : Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr.
In the last few years, a few Bid’atis actually went to the extent of performing an equivalent Eid Salah prayer by Jam’at on the day of Milad!
This innovation was however successfully refuted by the Ulema-e-Haq and thereafter was not carried out publicly.
There is a danger in this that from the Ahle Bid’ah there are people who are given the title of ‘Allamah’ ‘Sheikh ul Islam’ or ‘Pir Sahib’, who manipulate and change the meaning (تحري ِف دين) as well as Tafsir of the Qur’an & Ahadith.
In an attempt to substantiate and establish the practice of this Bid’ah, these people try to claim evidence from the Qur’an and Hadith.
Did the Companions of the Prophet not know of these proofs? These were the very personalities that propagated Deen to us and showed us the best manner to act upon it. If, like the Bidatis claim there is benefit in this celebration.
The Companions would never have left it.
