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Gardens Of Purification pdf : Ibn Taymiyyah


Kitab Ut Tawheed-Urdu Book.pdf


al bidaya wan nihaya ( 'Book_Of_The_End) english pdf


insaniyat ka hal Islam mai pdf


Yazeed bin mawiyah par iljamat ka tahqeqi jayza pdf


Sharah Al-Arabeen Romanised by: Shaikh Abdul Ghaffar Salafi


Bunyadi-Aqaid.pdf by SHEIKH NASIR REHMANI


Gunahon Ko Mitane Wale Aamaal Taleef Mohammed Arshad Kamal


English dictionary of islamic words expressions


Sharh Hadis-e-Jibreel Urdu Pdf


Seerat -e- Rasool ( Sallallahu alaihi wasallam ) Roman Urdu Book – PDF






40 hadiths (An-Nawawi)

Provisions for the Hereafter (Zaad Al-Ma'ad)

  Shaikh Abdullaah Al-Bukhaaree: An important word concerning the “Ghareeb” (singular or rare) narrations and statements It is well worth reading:  “Introduction to the beginnings of the Hadeeth sciences: Mutawaatir, Aahaad, and their categories (Part 3)”  before this article, since this is an additional note to the topic of Al-Ghareeb classification in hadeeth that was mentioned in that article. Shaikh Abdullāh Ibn Abdur-Raheem Al-Bukhāree  ( hafidhahullāh ) said regarding the  Ghareeb  Hadeeth: Firstly: It has been reported from the majority of the scholars from the Salaf that they would praise the  Mash-hoor  hadeeth narrations and they would dispraise the  Ghareeb  narrations in general. Because the rare or singularly reported (ghareeb) narrations are prone to error and suspicion (see  Majmoo` al-Fataawa of Ibn Taymiyyah, 18/39). And this is different to the hadeeth which are mash-hoor (i.e. narrations with three or more narrators at each level of the chain of narration) because th
  Part 5: The Hasan Hadeeth: Its definition and usage with the Scholars of Hadeeth The Hasan Hadeeth: Definition:  A report that fulfils the conditions of a  Saheeh  hadeeth  except  that one of its narrators or some of them are lesser than their counterparts in a Saheeh hadeeth in terms of precision (الضبط) yet that does not remove it from being used as an evidence in terms of its authenticity. And it is referred to as  Hasan li-dhaatihi (الحسن لذاته) . More explanation of the terms:  So it meets the conditions of Saheeh hadeeth in terms of: Its chain of narration (isnaad) leads back to the Prophet (salallaahu `alaihi wassallam). The chain of narration is connected all the way back to the Prophet (salallaahu`alaihi wassallam). The narrators are trustworthy. It is free from contradicting any narrations stronger than it. It is free from subtle or hidden defects. What remains therefore is the condition of  precision (ضبط)  – and this is the distinguishing feature of this category. So the
  Part 4: Hadeeth Science and Literature: Conditions of a Saheeh Hadeeth; Definitions: Musnad, Musannaf, Mu’jam, Sunan, Jaami’, etc. 2.0 The Accepted Report The categories of the accepted report (al-khabr al-maqbool): The two major categories of an accepted report are:  Saheeh  (“sound”) and  Hasan  (“good”). Each of these is further divided, such that we have four categories: Saheeh li-dhaatihi (“sound” by itself without requiring support) Saheeh li-ghairihi (“sound” due to support of other chains and narrations) Hasan li-dhaatihi (“good” by itself without requiring support) Hasan li-ghairihi (“good” due to support of other chains and narrations) Each of these has their own detailed definitions. 2.1 As-Saheeh (the “sound” narration) : Definition : a) Linguistically “saheeh” means that which is sound and healthy free from poor health and sickness and deficiency. b) In the sciences of hadeeth it refers to that narration which has a connected chain of narration back to its source, with r
  Part 3: Hadeeth Science and Literature: Mutawaatir, Aahaad, Azeez, Mash-hoor, Ghareeb: Maqbool and Mardood 1.0 Categories of a Narration (Al-Khabr) A narration which reaches us is of two types: Al-Mutawātir: That narration which has been narrated by a large number of narrators at every level of the chain of narration, with numerous chains, without a specified limit (see 1.1 below). Al-Āhād: A narration with chains of transmission and narrators at each level of the chain that is limited to a particular number less than the category of  al-mutawaatir  mentioned above (see 2.0 below). Each of these categories has its particular details and explanations which will be made clear,  inshaa’Allaah . 1.1 The Mutawaatir Narration: Definition : That narration which has been reported by such a large number of narrators that it is not possible for them to have gathered to fabricate a lie. This definition refers to a  hadeeth  (or  athar ) wherein there is in every level of the chain of narration